Draft rules

§ 1   Name and Headquarters

The Association is called:

      IFHB - Internationales Forum Historische Bürowelt e.V.

with headquarters in Köln.

§ 2   Purpose of the Association

The association sets itself the task to deal with all historical aspects of office technology and their social significance. This involves:

  1. The exchange of information among members, national and international museums, institutions, libraries as well as companies and private collections.
  2. The regular publication of journals entitled:

          "Historische Bürowelt"   as well as
          "Historische Bürowelt - aktuell"

    which cover the following fields with articles of a scientific and popular-scientific nature and all kind of news:

    1. Pre-mechanical writing
    2. Shorthand writing
    3. Typewriters
    4. Calculators
    5. Data processing
    6. Telephones
    7. Copying machines
    8. Other office equipment
    9. Social history

  3. Organisation of collectors’ meetings
  4. Organisation of exhibitions
  5. Encouragement of research with regard to the history of the office and its social history
  6. Acting as an expert witness
  7. Preparation and supply of teaching and illustrative material.

The association exclusively and directly pursues purposes for the benefit of the public as set out in the chapter "Tax purposes entitling the tax payer to tax relief" of the German tax law. Financial means can be used only for purposes in compliance with the rules. Committee membership is of honorary capacity and done free of charge. Members do not receive any financial contribution or profit shares of the association’s fund. No person or institution should be favoured by expenses which contradict the purposes of the association or which are disproportionally high.

§ 3   Admission of members

  1. All natural persons and corporate bodies of all nationalities can become a member of the association by a written application.
  2. The admission is granted by the Committee according to a majority decision.
  3. Persons who have rendered outstanding services to the "IFHB" can be granted honorary membership if a majority of ¾ of the General Meeting so decides. The Committee reserves the right to grant other distinctions.

§ 4   Resignation of membership

  1. Membership of natural persons ceases with their death; in case of corporate bodies with the extinction of their legal capacity.
  2. Members can resign only by a written notice of resignation presented to the Committee. Resignation must be submitted at least three months before the end of the financial year (31 Dec). If the resignation is submitted later than the stipulated date, fees have to be paid for a further year.

§ 5   Exclusion of members

  1. If serious evidence can be adduced, the exclusion of a member can be called for by a third of all members or by the Committee in written form. Reasons for exclusion are behaviour detrimental to the association and violation of its rules, interest and decisions.
  2. The General Meeting decides on the exclusion request with relative majority.
  3. Members who get in arrears for more than 6 months despite reminders will be excluded automatically. They have no further claims to the benefits of the association but the obligation to pay fees does not cease before the expiry of the stipulated date.

§ 6   Bodies of the association

The association comprises of the following bodies:

  1. The Committee
  2. The General Meeting

§ 7   Fees

The General Meeting decides with relative majority of the members present on the level of the fees. Honorary members are exempt.

§ 8   Committee

The Committee consists of four members with equal rights who are charged with the management of the association, the publication of the journals and auditing and accounting. The Committee nominates the managing President. The Board has a quorum if more than half of the board members are involved in the decision. In voting and elections within the Board, the managing President has double voting rights in the event of a tie. This does not apply to the election of the managing president.

The Committee is elected for two years by the General Meeting and by postal votes. Reelection is possible. The Committee is elected at the first ballot. Each member has up to three votes. Elected are the three persons who get the majority of votes, both postal and from members present at the General Meeting. A tie is decided by lot. An auditor, who is not a member of the Committee has to be elected by the members present at the General Meeting.

Up to three months before the General Meeting, the Committee has to ask all members to designate candidates for the election of the new Committee. The Committee has to be notified of the suggestions within a month, counting from the date on the letter.

The invitation to the General Meeting has to include the list of the proposed candidates who have agreed to stand for election.

The Committee has to present the following agenda at each General Meeting:

  1. Report of the Committee
  2. Financial report
  3. Report of the Auditor
  4. Approval of the Committee
  5. Election of the Committee and the Auditor
  6. Fixing of fees.

The Committee remains in office until the new Committee takes over.

The President or the Committee are not exempt from the statutes of § 181 BGB (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch of Germany)

§ 9   General Meeting

  1. The General Meeting has to be summoned every two years by a letter or publication in the journal "Historische Bürowelt - aktuell" containing the agenda of the next meeting. This will have to occur at least 30 days before the meeting (the post stamp counts). The General Meeting is entrusted with the following tasks and spheres of competence:
    1. Election and if necessary relieving the Committee or its individual members of duty
    2. Decisions on alterations of the draft rules
    3. Dissolution of the association
  2. A special General Meeting can be summoned on a given occasion by the Committee if 2/3 agree to it.

§ 10   Quorum

  1. Every General Meeting convened according to the rules has a quorum.
  2. The passing of a resolution to dissolve the association requires at least the consent of 2/3 of all members. If a member is unable to attend he has to pass a postal vote.
  3. Alterations of rules require the consent of 2/3 of members attending the meeting.
  4. If nothing else is laid down, resolutions are taken with relative majority of the votes cast by members present at the meeting.
  5. The invitation to the election of the Committee should include the forms that would enable postal vote by name for all the members.
  6. A list of all candidates who stand for election/postal vote has to be prepared. The Committee is obliged to ask the suggested candidates whether they agree to stand for election.

§ 11   Financial Year

The financial year begins on 1st January and ends on 31st December each year.

§ 12   Foundation

On 28 November 1981 Uwe H. Breker (Cologne), Alfred Findeisen (Düsseldorf), Jörn Holzmann (Hamburg), Tjitte de Jong (Breda, Holland), Hartmut Koch (Hamburg), Dr. Gerd Krumeich (Düsseldorf), Ulrich Rüscher (Lahstedt) founded the "IFHB" in Bielefeld.

§ 13   Final regulations

If the association is dissolved it goes into liquidation. If the General Meeting does not decide otherwise, liquidation is carried out by the Committee in office. After meeting all liabilities the remaining asset, especially a collection of office machinery and/or a library which may have been purchased to this date has to be transferred to a public institution (e.g. Deutsches Museum, Munich) which will be nominated by the General Meeting.

§ 14   Certification of decisions at meetings

A written register of all decisions made at the meeting has to be kept and signed by a member of the Committee and a member of the association.

Dortmund, Germany, 14 April 2012